Saturday, August 27, 2005

The Rich Man and the Poor Man

One day, an old rich man was enjoying the sea on his beautiful yacht when he passed by a poor Moroccan man tanning under the sun on a drifting heap of wood, with a fishing line dangling from the edge.

"Hey you. What's your name?"
"Hamed, you should work."
"Why should I work?"
"To make money."
"Why make money?"
"To make more money."
"Why make more money?"
"To contribute to society, do something with your life, and live in better conditions."
"Why all that?"
"So that when you grow old you can feel good with yourself and enjoy life with your money and rest your old days under the sun, like me."

Then Hamed looked around himself, the sun, and the fish he caught, and said,"Perhaps, but that's already what I'm doing now, isn't it?"


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